Jottings of Japan

Never really thought of myself as a blogger before... but it seems to be the trend of late, so I thought I'd give it a go. Apologies in advance for the boring content you will endure as I capture my life in size 10 Arial font (for the most part, anyway). So without further ado, Let's blogging!

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Location: Sydney, Australia

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Wednesday night in

Last night was a night in, which involved cleaning my house thoroughly, talking to friends and watching Japanese TV.

One of my favourite shows here in Japan is Toribia (Trivia) no Iizumi. A group of celebrities sit in the studio and are read pieces of trivia by the two hosts. Each celeb has a button they can hit to show how surprised they are by the trivia. Now, when Japanese people are surprised by something, they say "he~~~" (pronounced "hair" but in a drawn-out fashion) with rising intonation. So when the celebs hit their buzzer, it makes a "he~~~" sound, and they can hit the "he~~~" button up to 20 times per piece of trivia.

Last night, one of the first pieces of trivia was about "kurashikku pantsu" (classic pants, or underwear). The celebs were told that Mitsukoshi, a big posh department store found in places like Ginza, sells these classic pants. But what are classic pants in Japan? Y-fronts? Boxers? Tightie-whities? Nope. They are fundoshi - undies similar to what sumo wrestlers wear. Loin-cloth at the front, g-string at the back. So, if you're ever in need of some kurashikku pantsu, just head to your local Mitsukoshi.

Then, not long after Trivia no Iizumi, there was a programme where people were sitting around talking about their emotions; discussing things that had happened to them and how they dealt with them. Sounds like your standard Oprah-type show, doesn't it? Well, it would be, had not all the people been men. And had one not been a drag queen. Yep, 4 guys and one Queen sitting around opening their hearts to each other and the world. Touching stuff.

Ah, love a quiet night in.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOVE IT!!!!! Always knew you were a classic pants man. and thanks for the heads up that the program was on the telly last night...why was I watching the soccer?

4:40 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are still rocken in Azuma

8:13 am  
Blogger GrantPGranthm said...

Erm, can't say classic pants are really my thing. But maybe a purchase will need to be made just for omiyage purposes. *nod*

1:04 pm  

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