Jottings of Japan

Never really thought of myself as a blogger before... but it seems to be the trend of late, so I thought I'd give it a go. Apologies in advance for the boring content you will endure as I capture my life in size 10 Arial font (for the most part, anyway). So without further ado, Let's blogging!

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Location: Sydney, Australia

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

More purchases

I never actually blogged to say that my ipod Nano arrived. Well, it did. And here it is. Isn't it slick?

I don't like the little white earphones that come with the ipods - who wants to be like everyone else, really? So I went and bought some old-skool headphones on the weekend. And a case for the little guy.

Now, just have to wait for the next time I go to Tokyo to use him...


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