Jottings of Japan

Never really thought of myself as a blogger before... but it seems to be the trend of late, so I thought I'd give it a go. Apologies in advance for the boring content you will endure as I capture my life in size 10 Arial font (for the most part, anyway). So without further ado, Let's blogging!

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Location: Sydney, Australia

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Sports Festival Take 3

And so on Saturday, it was the Primary School's turn to have a sports festival. The weather was awesome, the kids were genki, the teachers enthusiastic, the parents supportive. I had a really good day despite being sleep deprived - still. I entered the spoon race with the ojiichans and also ran in the teachers' relay. Man, that was tough. Seriously. The track is 150m round, so the curves are bloody tight. Had the slam the breaks on halfway through the bend, and am still carrying the consequences in my right thigh. But like I said, I had a fun!

Just not too sure about the slogan on the back of the teachers' t-shirts...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you own that Azuma t-shirt! By the way, I want an I cabbage Gunma! -SB

9:08 am  
Blogger GrantPGranthm said...

Hehe unfortunately I don't own the tee! They didn't ask me - how rude! Might try to get my mittens on one. And will talk with my supplier about getting a cabbage tee to you. Hope things are great in NYC!

6:45 pm  

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