Jottings of Japan

Never really thought of myself as a blogger before... but it seems to be the trend of late, so I thought I'd give it a go. Apologies in advance for the boring content you will endure as I capture my life in size 10 Arial font (for the most part, anyway). So without further ado, Let's blogging!

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Location: Sydney, Australia

Friday, March 18, 2005


It's the time for change. Spring, it seems, has finally arrived, bringing with it peach blossoms and soon, cherry blossoms. Students are graduating from one school and moving on to the next. Teachers will soon know which school they will be transferring to come April. Soon we will move our desks to our new places in the staffroom. Change is a-happening.

I hate cliches, but I agree with the one that goes "A change is as good as a holiday." Change is refreshing, revitalising, reinvigorating. It gives us that boost we sometimes need to get things back on track. It is so easy to fall into routine and to continue on the same path day in and day out. At the moment, I guess I feel like this is me. I know it's coming up to the end of the academic year here, and we always feel like this during the wind-down but it never gets any easier. But what keeps us going is the excitement of knowing that change, being the inevitable thing it is, is just around the corner...

I have no idea what my work life will be come April. How many teachers will stay? How many will go? I already know that my two favourite teachers are leaving. One is transferring to a bigger school in Gunma, the other to Vietnam. I'll be really sad to see them go, and I have already made plans to visit I-sensei in Hanoi. But I also know that there is a huge possiblity the new teachers coming in will be just as awesome.

Let's hoping so.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Grant!
This is Mami in tatebayashi. Nicky told me your web site. So this is the first comment(^^)
How is your shoulder? Hope you are getting better. I need to see the doctor for the injection once per a week. I hate it!

I miss Nicky, since she went to India.

By the way, We have a personnel transfers on 25th March. I have no idia any new worker will come or not.

Talk to you later, see ya!
p.s. I wrote this comment with my cousin's support. I will try to do it by myself. So need to study English harder!!!!!

1:15 am  
Blogger GrantPGranthm said...

Hi Mami! Thanks for reading.

My shoulder is still sore. Maybe I need to have an injection once a week too!

Good luck with studying English, and French!

I hope you get some nice people at work from 25th March.


10:09 am  

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