Jottings of Japan

Never really thought of myself as a blogger before... but it seems to be the trend of late, so I thought I'd give it a go. Apologies in advance for the boring content you will endure as I capture my life in size 10 Arial font (for the most part, anyway). So without further ado, Let's blogging!

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Location: Sydney, Australia

Monday, February 28, 2005

Competition Healthy?

(Going for two blogs in one day to compensate)

Is competition healthy for a relationship? Obviously sometimes it is. Competition makes us strive to do our best. No matter how nice someone is, how selfless they are, everyone has that little spark deep in their gut that makes them want to win. Sometimes we make the conscious decision to make something into a competition. But sometimes, we don't realise that we are competing until the competition is over.

I watched Desperate Housewives Episode 7 last night (soz Loz - I had to) and it was all about competition. Bree and her husband are getting divorced, and the competition to see who is the favourite parent has started. Edie's and Susan's competition for Mike's attention continues. And, what I think was the biggest competition of the episode, was the one between give-up-career-and-be-a-housewife Lynette and her husband. This was one of those "don't realise it is happening until it's over" competitions. And it created tension and argument. But then, it made them realise how important they are to each other.

So I guess competition can be healthy afterall.


What a yasumi! All my avid readers out there have been so disappointed with my lack of posting, I am sure. (Did my voice just echo in the hollows out there?)

Friends, foes and all those inbetween have been putting me to shame with their amazing ability to maintain their blogs. Update daily, they do. Wow. So here I am, yet again, determined to do my best to make this thing work.

And what a doozie I have to tell you today. Ready? 9 kids away in 1nensei. KU-RAI-ZIII. All have the flu, poor little tykes.

Had a fantastic weekend this past one. Food and drinks with 40 awesome people at the Garlic Restaurant, more drinks and food at Karaoke, more great food at Gusto, amazing Pop Art, cool tea ceremony, more great food at Colors Cafe, random chats with the art teacher at Dickens, chilling in my aparto... what more could a boy want?

Ok. This has been a lame re-introduction to blogging. I will do my best. I promise.

Check out my (slowly updating) page at